The Princes of Orange and their Families on Horseback, Riding Out from The Buitenhof, The Hague

546 voorzijde

The Princes of Orange and their Families on Horseback, Riding Out from The Buitenhof, The Hague

Pauwels van Hillegaert
c.c.1621 - 1622

546 - zaal 16

Here, the Oranges and members of their family are portrayed riding through The Hague. The painting was probably made by Van Hillegaert, an Amsterdam painter of battles and portraits of horsemen.

From the west, we are looking across the Hofvijver lake with the tree-lined Lange Vijverberg on the left and the Binnenhof buildings on the right. The Mauritshuis is not yet in the picture, as it was built some time later.

oil on canvas
144.6 x 214 cm.
Gift graaf A. van der Straten Ponthoz, The Hague, 1888